How do I add a printer in Munis?
- Printer
- Printer Definition
- Munis
Printing within the Munis application requires a Munis printer definition to be set up so that the application and printer can communicate with each other.
Please follow these steps to set up a printer definition in Munis for a new or existing printer:
- The printer will need to be installed on the Munis application server and set up as a shared printer. Please keep the share name of the printer as short as possible. Using the universal PCL drivers tend to work best for Munis printing.
- Once you have the printer installed with the instructions from step 1, please verify that you can send a Windows test print successfully.
- After you are able to print from Windows successfully it is time to set up the Munis printer definition. Please open the Munis application as a user with Munis administrator privileges:
Navigate to: System Administration -> Printer/Device Administration -> Printer Definitions
Click “Add” to add a new definition
Set the following items:
Printer ID: Unique Identifier for the printer. This box can accept up to four alphanumeric characters.
Printer name: Identifying name of printer. This box can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
Printer type: This box is the print command Munis will use to initiate a print job on the printer and is set to command/script for Munis (non TylerForms) printing.
When defining the “Print / forms command” box the script is defined as follows: ntp -d \\Hostname\ShareName -@ ls.ntp
ntp: This is the operator indicating the use of NTP.exe - required value: ntp
-d: This is the first command flag. -d indicates that an output destination will be defined following the flag. - required value: -d
\\Hostname\ShareName: This is the full location of the printer. It should always start with \\ and include the Hostname then another \ and finally the ShareName of the printer. - required value \\hostname (the server name) \sharename (share name of the printer)
-@: This command flag indicates that the output will use an options file to define the output format. required value: -@
ls.ntp: This command flag indicates that the output will use an options file to define the output format. required value: ls.ntp - Landscape, pm.ntp – Portrait Mode, nr.ntp – Narrow Report
Click “Accept” to save new printer definition
- A printer definition set up with a server name of "Server1", a share name of "printer1", and printing in landscape mode would look like: ntp -d \\Server1\printer1 -@ ls.ntp
- Have a user test this printer by selecting this printer within Munis
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