With the new W-4 for IA, the Standard Deduction amount is now based on a flat amount instead of number of allowances and the Allowance amount is divided by the number of pay periods. - Go to Employee Deductions (Payroll>Employee Maintenance>Employee Deductions)
- Search for the employee and their State Tax Deduction. Click Accept.
- On the 2024 W-4, the amount defined on Step 6 for Total Allowances would be defined in the, Other Income or Annual Withholding Amount field.
- Example, step 6 on the employee's W-4 shows $1,000.00. Then $1,000.00 is defined in that field.
- That amount will then be divided by the employee's number of pays during the reconciliation of the deduction in payroll.
- If employees did not fill out a new 2024 or 2025 W-4, the Other Income or Annual Withholding Amount field would be$40.00 x Number of Allowances. (based on the 2025 Iowa Tax Withholding form)
- On the 2025 Iowa Tax Withholding Form, it states the Standard Deduction is now a specified amount if Allowances claimed is less $80.00 and a different amount if the total Allowances amount is over $80.00.based on Marital Status.
- Go to Tax Tables (Payroll>Payroll Setup>Income Tax Setup>Tax Tables)
- Search for the 1/1/2024 2025 effective dated State Table and applicable Marital Status. . If the tables for applicable year are not created yet:
- click Add and define Effective Date 01/01/2025, State Code IA, Pay Period of Annual (if using Annualized tables), and Martial Status (Single, Married and Head of Household).
- Three tables will need to be added for the three Martial Statuses.
- Click the Calc option in the toolbar.
It will display Number of Exemptions Claimed with a field for less that $80.00 and a field for $80.00 or more. - Use Iowa Tax Withholding Form page 1 to determine the amounts to define based on Payroll Period. Example, if using Annual Tax Tables, look at the Annually Payroll Period Line. ($14,600 for less than $80.00 and $29,200 for $80.00 or more)Define Standard Deduction amount based on Marital Status. 2025 IA Tax Documentation notes:
- Single Annual Standard Deduction amount 12,000.00
- Head of Household Annual Standard Deduction amount 18,050.00
- Married Annual Standard Deduction amount 24,050.00
- Note - Employees that did not fill out an IA 2024 W-4 (2023 or earlier) will have two Marital Status Options of either Single or Married. The Standard deduction amount is the same as step 4.d above.
- Define the Supplemental Rate.
- Click Tax Table in the toolbar.
- Define the applicable tax table amounts based on pay period. (Example, if using Annual tax tables, look at the Annual Pay Period amounts on page 2 of the IA Tax Withholding Form)For year 2025 the tax documentation states, the rate is a flat 3.80% for all employees.
- Define Over 0.00, But Not Over 9999999.99, +/- Amount 0.00, and +/-% 3.80.
Reconciliation: - During the Reconciliation in the payroll, the system will first annualize the taxable gross.
- Deduction Gross x Number of Pay Periods (Example 4,000 gross x 26 (biweekly) pays = 104,000.00 taxable gross)
It will then calculate the Allowance Amount- Allowance amount from the Other Income field divided by Number of Pays. (Using above example, the Allowance amount is 1,000. 1000/26=38.46)
- Then it will subtract the Standard Deduction amount based on martial status.
- Since the 1,000 allowances amount is over 80.00 the Standard deduction (using example above) would be 29,200. For this example, say the employee is Single so they have a Standard deduction amount of 12,000.00 (104,000.00-2912,200000=7492,800000)
- Calculate the tax from the Tax Table.
- Using Annual Tax tables, take the 74,800 minus the amount from column A of the table divided by 100 (74,800-24,480.00=50,320.00)
- Multiply that amount by the % 5.7 (50,320.00*5.7%=2,686.24)
- Add that amount to column C of the Tax Table (2,686.24+1159.37=4,027.6191,000.00 x 3.8% = 3,496.00
- Divide by Number of Pays.
- 3,496/26=134.46
- It will then calculate the Allowance Amount
- Allowance amount from the Other Income field divided by Number of Pays. (Using above example, the Allowance amount is 1,000. 1000/26=38.46)
- Subtract the per-period allowance amount calculated from step 2.
- 4,027134.61 46 - 38.46 = 3,989.15
Divide by Number of Pays. - 3,989.15/26=153.43 Withholding amount. 96.00