- Effective Date: A good way to think of the Effective Date field is to see it as the point in time a pay has a major change.
- For a new hire employee, the Effective Date would typically be the
date they are hired. - start date of their contract.
- If an employee changes jobs or receives a
promotion a - the new Effective Date would reflect
that change etc. - Position Start/End: This date range will determine when defines the period of time the employee is occupying occupies the Position assigned on their Employee Job/Salary record and typically , whether you identify position by EERP Job Class Code, EERP Position Code, or both. These dates should align with contract start and end dates.
- Pay Start/End: This date range is used in Payroll Processing and determines if this pay code will be include included in payroll. In order for a pay type to a payroll.
- The Pay Start date will typically be the Begin date of the first payroll they should receive this pay in.
- The Pay End date would typically be set to the End date of the last payroll the employee should receive this pay in, or 12/31/9999 to reflect an indefinite period.
- The pay code will NOT be included in a payroll
, Date must be ON or BEFORE - date is greater than or equal to the End
Date payroll warrant and - Warrant, or if the Pay End
Date must ON or AFTER the Begin Date of the payroll warrant. Pay records will also not be generated into payroll until the Effective Date is reached.- date is prior to the Start date of the Warrant.
Example: Teachers start their contract in August, but are not paid until September. In this scenario, the dates should be populated as follows - - Effective Date: The contract start is the "major change". The Effective Date needs to reflect that August date.
- Position Start/End: The Position Start needs to reflect the same August contract start date.
- Pay Start/End: The Pay Start needs to be the September date so this pay is not included in a payroll until September.
Mandatory reporting in schools will often require information at the positional level, which elevates the importance of accurate information in these date fields. |