- Tyler Community CAFR Statement Builder has latest version notes in blog sectionThere will be a small update to CAFR Silverlight sometime early in 2021 (Estimated April of 2021)The new CAFR general availability (GA) scheduled for Q1, 2021 (AWS Hosted Solution)We are currently working with the Implementation teams and Tyler Deploy on a strategy to update customers.emailing to our current Comprehensive Annual Financial Report statement builder clients as well as our GASB clients on Tuesday, June 15, 2021. The letter and the attached external FAQ will be posted Tyler Community. These communications cover the details of the new ACFR product, the need to move off of the old Silverlight product, as well as the process clients need to follow to migrate them. Please note that a link to external FAQ on Tyler Community will be added to the letter next Tuesday before the email is sent. The FAQ will be updated on Tyler Community as new questions arise.
- Tyler Community Documentation: https://tylercommunity.tylertech.com/tyler/cafr_statement_builder/w/wiki