- Sign into the hosting environment website for the desired Self Service program (ESS/VSS/CSS) and environment (Prod/Test/Train) as an administrative user
- EX: https://ess.yourcity.com/esshosting(env)
- On the Client Configuration page click Edit next to the environment
- In the menu on the left, click Scheduled Maintenance
- Click Add New
- Use the Item Type dropdown to define the maintenance type
- Warning - Displays message text but does not inhibit user functionality
- SystemDown - Displays message text and inhibits the ability to log into Self Service or access additional Self Service pages such as Employment Opportunities
- For nonrecurring maintenance, enter the specific date and time for the maintenance to occur
- For recurring maintenance, select the applicable day check boxes and enter the start and end times
- In the Message field, create a message that you would like to be displayed when users/customers try to access the Self Service website
- Ex: Site is currently offline for maintenance and should be available xx date/time.
- Click Add to save