Generally, most sites do not need to implement Job Based Accruals. Job Based Accruals should only be considered if a site truly has large numbers of employees that work multiple Jobs at the same time, and each of the Jobs earn the same Accrual Type differently. Example: Employee 1234 has Job Class TECH with base pay 100 and Job Class MECH with base pay 101 in Employee Job/Salary. The employee works both jobs concurrently and needs to be able to earn Vacation (Accrual Type 1-Vacation) differently for each Job. So the employee would have two Employee Accrual records for Accrual Type 1-Vacation. One with Job TECH and one with Job MECH tied to different Earning Tables.
If employees will earn differently after moving from one Job/Position to another, Job Based Accruals would not be used, the Employee would simply be updated in Employee Accruals to the appropriate Table for the Accrual Type. |